2023 Summer School
2023 Summer School in Santa Cruz: July 15-24, 2023

The N3AS-sponsored Summer School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, held from July 15-24 in 2023, is intended for advanced graduate students and beginning postdoctoral researchers interested in nuclear and particle astrophysics — theory, experiment, or observation.
Program Schedule Lecturer Slides

Lecturers, Topics & Slides:
Cosmology and the Early Universe
- Michael Turner, Univ. Chicago and UCLA — The Standard Cosmology
- Francois Lanusse, CEA Paris-Saclay, CNRS — Deep Learning and Observational Cosmology
- Garth Illingworth, UC Santa Cruz — JWST: Searching for the First Galaxies (Lecture 1, Lecture 2)
Dark Matter
- Graciela Gelmini, UCLA — Dark Matter: Theory and Laboratory Phenomenology (Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Extra: Old Slides on Axions and ALPs)
- Ben Safdi, UC Berkeley — Dark Matter in Astrophysics
Neutron Stars, Supernovae, Mergers, and Nucleosynthesis
- Dany Page, Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México — Neutron Stars: Structure, Evolution and Cooling (Lecture 1, Lecture 2)
- David Radice, Penn State Univ. — Explosive Astrophysics: Binary Neutron Star Mergers and Supernovae
- Nicole Vassh, TRIUMF — Nucleosynthesis: Connecting Nuclear Properties and Observations (Part 1, Part 2)
Multi-Messenger Astrophysics
- Glennys Farrar, New York Univ — UHE Cosmic Rays and Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (Lecture 1, Lecture 2)
- Joshua Smith, CalState Fullerton — Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- Susanne Mertens, Tech. Univ. Munich — Neutrino Properties: Masses and Mixing (Part 1, Part 2)
- George Fuller, UC San Diego — Neutrino Astrophysics (Part 1, Part 2, Appendix)

Attendee Presentations
- Nick Ekanger — Signatures of heavy element nucleosynthesis in transients
- Jacob Fields — Thermal Effects in Binary Neutron Star Mergers
- Mariam Gogilashvili — Predicting Which Massive Stars Explode
- Atul Kedia — Neutron star merger ejecta estimation from kilonova light curve (surrogates)
- Mrunal Korwar — IceCube at the frontier of macroscopic dark matter direct detection
- Vincent Lee — Probing Dark Matter with Pulsar Timing Arrays
- Gabriel Lynch — Probing the Recombination Era with CMB Anisotropies
- Takuya Okawa — A photon signal from stimulated decays of axion dark matter in the Milky Way
- Mehrdad Phoroutan-Mehr — Exoplanets: New Targets for Exploring Dark Matter
- Yi Qiu — Quantum Kinetic Equations of Neutrino Oscillations
- Alejandra Rosselli-Calderon — Understanding binaries in common envelope and the case study of the pulsar triple system PSR J0337+1715
- Jake Spisak — Constraints on axion-like polarization oscillations in the cosmic microwave background with POLARBEAR
- Thomas Hong Tsun Wong — Multi-messenger Constraint on H0 with Tidal Disruption Events
- Winston Yin — Charge quantisation, Axion strings, and Cosmic birefringence
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