2023 Summer School

2023 Summer School in Santa Cruz: July 15-24, 2023

Dozens of summer school participants standing on stairs
Group of summer school students outdoors

The N3AS-sponsored Summer School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics, held from July 15-24 in 2023, is intended for advanced graduate students and beginning postdoctoral researchers interested in nuclear and particle astrophysics — theory, experiment, or observation.

Program Schedule Lecturer Slides

Poster for 2023 N3AS Summer School

Lecturers, Topics & Slides:

Cosmology and the Early Universe

Dark Matter

Neutron Stars, Supernovae, Mergers, and Nucleosynthesis

Multi-Messenger Astrophysics

Several students climbing around river or creek

Attendee Presentations

Sponsored By

Logos: N3AS, NSF, Heising-Simons Foundation, UC Santa Cruz