The announcement on 17 August 2017 by LIGO and Virgo of the detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger, followed by the observation of electromagnetic signals from the associated kilonova as well as a short-duration gamma-ray burst, ushered in a new era of multi-messenger astrophysics and cosmology. In combination with observations of cold neutron stars of nearly two solar masses by Shapiro delay, and of “black-widow” systems hinting of even higher masses, the observations are placing important new constraints on the equation of state of nuclear matter. Current and anticipated observations provide unprecedented opportunities to probe nuclear matter at densities and isospins not otherwise reachable, and to relate its properties to those we measure in laboratory nuclei.
Dense Matter and Neutron Stars Research Publications
Ujjwal Basumatary, Nirmal Raj, Anupam Ray.
Yuki Fujimoto, Toru Kojo, Larry McLerran.
George M. Fuller, Lukáš Gráf, Amol V. Patwardhan, Jacob Spisak.
Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong, Francois Foucart, Harry Ho-Yin Ng, Arthur Offermans, Matthew D. Duez, Nishad Muhammed, Pavan Chawhan.
Marcus Bluhm, Yuki Fujimoto, Larry McLerran, Marlene Nahrgang.
Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong, Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Fabrizio Venturi, et. al.
Sherwood Richers, Julien Froustey, Somdutta Ghosh, Francois Foucart, Javier Gomez.
Yuki Fujimoto, Kenji Fukushima, Kenta Hotokezaka, Koutarou Kyutoku.
Yohei Ema, Robert McGehee, Maxim Pospelov, Anupam Ray.
Mia Kumamoto, Sanjay Reddy.
Koustav Chandra, Ish Gupta, Rossella Gamba, Rahul Kashyap, et. al.
Henry Purcell, Sherwood Richers, Amol V. Patwardhan, Francois Foucart.
A. C. Semposki, C. Drischler, R. J. Furnstahl, J. A. Melendez, D. R. Phillips.
Antonio Capanema, Yago Porto, Maria Manuela Saez.
Nishad Muhammed, Matthew D. Duez, Pavan Chawhan, Noora Ghadiri, Luisa T. Buchman, Francois Foucart, Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong, et. al.
Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong, Nishad Muhammed, Pavan Chawhan, Matthew D. Duez, Francois Foucart, et. al.
Julien Froustey, Sherwood Richers, Evan Grohs, Samuel D. Flynn, Francois Foucart, James P. Kneller, Gail C. McLaughlin.
Julien Froustey, Sherwood Richers, Evan Grohs, Samuel D. Flynn, Francois Foucart, James P. Kneller, Gail C. McLaughlin.
J. Ghiglieri, M. Laine, J. Schütte-Engel, E. Speranza.
Fellows associated with this Research Area
Faculty associated with this Research Area
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stony Brook/ University of Washington