N3AS Newscenter
Probing Neutron Stars’ Composition with g-mode Oscillations
What can we learn from observing the “ringing” (oscillation modes) of astrophysical objects? Similar to how seismologists study the density profile and chemical constituents of the Earth using earthquakes, stellar oscillation […]
Apply to our Spring 2022 Undergraduate Research Program!
Students in the N3AS undergraduate program work with a scientific mentor to develop their research, and also have a career mentor. Students are directly supported by N3AS, and participate in […]
Where they split, they entangle: A (collective) neutrino story
Neutrinos do not experience strong or electromagnetic interactions, and are therefore by far the most feebly interacting among all the known particles in the universe. Nevertheless, there are situations where […]
Applications now open: N3AS 2022 Postdoctoral Fellows
N3AS intends to make several postdoctoral Fellow appointments for positions starting in fall 2022.
Neutron Star Wars: The Strong Force Awakens
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, two neutron stars entered a collision course. Locked in an orbit around each other for millions of years, their separation became shorter as they revolved faster [...]