Author: sylvia
Enhancement of Lithium in Red Clump Stars by the Additional Energy Loss Induced by New Physics
Since 7Li is easily destroyed in low temperatures, the surface lithium abundance decreases as stars evolve. This is supported by the lithium depletion observed in the atmosphere of most red […]
Searches for Decays of New Particles in the DUNE Multi-Purpose Near Detector
One proposed component of the upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) near detector complex is a multi-purpose, magnetized, gaseous argon time projection chamber: the Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD). We explore the […]
Sterile Neutrinos and the Global Reactor Antineutrino Dataset
We present results from global fits to the available reactor antineutrino dataset, as of Fall 2019, to determine the global preference for a fourth, sterile neutrino. We have separately considered […]
Studying the Impact of Dark Photon Emission on Massive Star Evolution
Dark matter represents more than 80% of the matter density of the universe and remains one of the biggest mysteries in physics. In many models currently under investigation, it could […]