Author: sylvia
Solar neutrinos and ν2 visible decays to ν1
Experimental bounds on the neutrino lifetime depend on the nature of the neutrinos and the details of the potentially new physics responsible for neutrino decay. In the case where the […]
From Dirac to Majorana: The cosmic neutrino background capture rate in the minimally extended Standard Model
We investigate the capture rate of the cosmic neutrino background on tritium within the Standard Model, extended to incorporate three right-handed singlet neutrinos with explicit lepton-number violation. We consider a […]
On probing turbulence in core-collapse supernovae in upcoming neutrino detectors
Neutrino propagation through a turbulent medium can be highly non-adiabatic leading to distinct signatures in the survival probabilities. A core-collapse supernova can be host to a number of hydrodynamic instabilities […]
Light vector bosons and the weak mixing angle in the light of new reactor-based CEνNS experiments #2
In this work, the sensitivity of future germanium-based reactor neutrino experiments to the weak mixing angle $\sin^{2}\theta_{W}$, and to the presence of new light vector bosons is investigated. By taking […]
Energy-dependent Boosted Dark Matter from the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background
Diffuse neutrinos from past supernovae in the Universe present us with a unique opportunity to test dark matter (DM) interactions. These neutrinos can scatter and boost the DM particles in […]