2022 Summer School
2022 N3AS School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics

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Participants Schedule Lecture Slides

Organizers: Baha Balantekin and Wick Haxton
Dates: July 31-August 7
Location: University of California, Santa Cruz
The N3AS-sponsored Summer School on Multi-Messenger Astrophysics is intended for advanced graduate students and beginning postdoctoral researchers interested in nuclear and particle astrophysics — theory, experiment, or observation.
Lecturers Include
Kev Abazajian, Rana Adhikari, André de Gouvêa, Tyce DeYoung, Dan Kasen, Keith Olive, Joel Primack, Yong-Zhong Qian, Kate Scholberg, Nao Suzuki, Natalia Toro
Scientific Topics
- The Standard Cosmological Model
- Observational Cosmology
- The Big Bang
- Origin of the Elements and the r-process
- Dark Matter: Theory and Laboratory Signals
- Neutron Stars – Masses, Evolution, Cooling
- NS Mergers and Supernovae
- High Energy Astrophysics
- Neutrino Properties
- Neutrino Experiments and Neutrino Astrophysics
- Gravitational Waves: Physics, Sources, Detection
- Simulations of Large-Scale Structure
Lecture Slides
- Kev Abazajian — Cosmology: The Standard Model
- Nao Suzuki – Cosmological Observations: Dark Energy, etc (Part 1, Part 2)
- Keith Olive — BBN and the synthesis of the light nuclei
- Yong-Zhong Qian — Origin of the Elements: Stellar Nucleosynthesis
- Dan Kasen — Explosive Astro: Mergers and Supernovae
- Andre De Gouvea — Neutrino Properties: Mass, Mixing
- Joel Primack — Simulations and Large-Scale Structure Joel Primack
- Tyce DeYoung — HE Astrophysics: Hadrons, Photons, Leptons (Part 1, Part 2)
- Kate Scholberg — Neutrino Experiments and Astrophysics Sources (Part 1, Part 2)
These links go to PDFs of the lecture slides. If you would like to download all the files at once, please visit the Google Drive folder.
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