Code of Conduct
The N3AS community is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming community, and to ensuring that its members adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Code of Conduct for N3AS Workshops, ongoing activities, and Schools
Our code of conduct for N3AS workshops, schools, and other public activities was adapted from
the APS Code of Conduct:
All participants in N3AS workshops and other public activities must conduct themselves in a professional manner that is welcoming to all participants and free from any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. All participants are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration, creating a collegial, inclusive, and professional environment for our activities.
Specifically, participants will avoid any inappropriate actions or statements based on individual characteristics including age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, ability status, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, religion, immigration status, and educational background. Harassment includes but is not limited to inappropriate or intimidating behavior and language, unwelcome jokes or comments, unwanted touching or attention, photography without permission, sharing offensive images, and stalking.
If a participant observes inappropriate comments or actions and personal intervention seems appropriate and safe, they should be considerate of all parties when intervening. In all cases, a participant observing violations of this code of conduct has a responsibility to report the violation to N3AS leadership, for appropriate action. Retaliation for complaints of inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated.
Expectations for Ethical Conduct in All Activities
N3AS adheres to UC Berkeley’s statement of ethical values and conduct in research, teaching and mentoring, and service. Berkeley’s core ethical values include integrity, accountability, and respect. The commitments include:
- Fair Dealing. We will always conduct ourselves ethically, honestly, and with integrity.
- Individual Responsibility and Accountability. We will accept responsibility appropriate to our positions and delegated authorities.
- Respect for Others. We will treat everyone we contact with respect and dignity.
- Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations. We will learn and abide by federal, state, and local laws that affect our campus roles.
- Compliance with Applicable University Policies, Procedures and Other Forms of Guidance. We will learn and abide by University and campus policies and procedures that affect our campus roles.
- Conflicts of Interest or Commitment. We will avoid both actual conflicts of interest and the appearance of such conflicts, and devote our primary professional allegiance to the University and its mission of teaching, research, and public service.
- Ethical Conduct of Research. We will conduct our research with integrity and intellectual honesty, and show the greatest care for human or animal subjects.
- Records: Confidentiality/Privacy and Access. We will follow applicable laws and University policies when accessing, using, protecting, or disclosing records.
- Internal Controls. We will ensure that internal controls are established, properly documented, and maintained for activities within our jurisdictions.
- Use of University Resources. We will ensure that campus resources are used only on behalf of the University.
- Financial Reporting. We will ensure that accounting and financial records are accurate, clear, and complete.
- Reporting Violations and Protection from Retaliation. We will report all known or suspected improper governmental activities under the provisions of the University’s Whistleblower Policy, recognizing that everyone is protected from retaliation for making such reports under the Whistleblower Retaliation Policy.
Broadening Participation in Science
Encouraging broad participation is central to the N3AS mission of training the next generation of researchers in multi-messenger astrophysics. N3AS strives to give young researchers from all backgrounds the experience and knowledge they will need as members of the research community. Broad participation ensures that a wider range of ideas and opinions are contributing to our research excellence; helps us attract and retain the most promising students, faculty, and staff; and contributes to the health of our interactions with the global physics community. It is a critical element in our efforts to mentor students and in the professional development of our postdoctoral fellows, preparing them to succeed in the global physics/astrophysics community.
In furthering this mission, all members of the N3AS community are asked to:
- Be respectful and professional in conduct and speech. Learn the names of your colleagues and address them with their names.
- Refuse to initiate, participate, or condone discrimination and harassment.
- Avoid race-based or culturally offensive humor or pranks. When in doubt, leave it outside the workplace.
- Never comment on someone else’s body or looks. Focus on people’s work not on their bodily traits. Do not label people based on their physical attributes.
- Do not emphasize the age or expertise (or lack thereof) of colleagues when interacting with people of different ages.
- Avoid exclusionary language, including the use of sexist idioms, proverbs and expressions in your language.
- Pay particular attention that resources are distributed evenly and shared in a way that does not give preference to some over others. This might mean that no one person should be allowed to take an inordinate amount of a mentor’s time if others are waiting, or jump to claim a research opportunity when others should be considered for it as well.
- Welcome others into our public spaces where appropriate. UC Berkeley is a public university, and thus in general our spaces are open to all.
- When referring to others with whom you work, please use the names, pronouns, and titles they prefer.
Statement on N3AS Responses to Harassment and Discrimination
N3AS strives to create an environment that supports all members of the research and student communities. N3AS partners are committed to enforcing the policies of our host institutions on nondiscrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence, sexual misconduct, and appropriate conduct. Unlawful discrimination or harassment in any form will not be tolerated and will be reported to appropriate N3AS institutional authorities.
We will support victims of harassment by provide immediate access to the resources necessary to support the affected individuals.