Numerical Relativity Estimates of the Remnant Recoil Velocity in Binary Neutron Star Mergers

Numerical Relativity Estimates of the Remnant Recoil Velocity in Binary Neutron Star Mergers

Sumeet Kulkarni, Surendra Padamata, Anuradha Gupta, David Radice, Rahul Kashyap.


We present, for the first time, recoil velocity estimates for binary neutron star mergers using data from numerical relativity simulations. We find that binary neutron star merger remnants can have recoil velocity of the order of a few tens of km/s and as high as 150 km/s in our dataset. These recoils are attained due to equivalent contributions from the anisotropic gravitational wave emission as well as the asymmetric ejection of dynamical matter during the merger. We provide fits for net recoil velocity as well as its ejecta component as a function of the amount of ejected matter, which may be useful when constraints on the ejected matter are obtained through electromagnetic observations. We also estimate the mass and spin of the remnants and find them to be in the range [2.34, 3.38] M_{\odot} and [0.63, 0.82] respectively, for our dataset.