Senior Investigator Gail McLaughlin receives 2024 Herman Feshbach Prize
Congratulations to N3AS Senior Investigator Gail McLaughlin, on receiving the 2024 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from the American Physical Society. The award was issued for seminal contributions to the study of neutrinos in explosive systems and for elucidating the profound impact of this microphysics on the synthesis of elements.

Gail C. McLaughlin received an A. B. in Physics from Princeton University in 1987 and a Ph.D. at the University of California, San Diego in 1996 under the supervision of George Fuller. She held postdoctoral positions at the Institute for Nuclear Theory and TRIUMF, and was a research scientist at Stony Brook before joining the faculty position at NC State in 2001 where she is now a University Distinguished Professor. Her work contributes to several directions in nuclear physics including neutrino physics, element synthesis, core-collapes supernovae, compact object mergers and the properties of nuclei. She collaborates on various initiatives in nuclear physics including the Network for Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics and Symmetries (N3AS), the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA), and Fission in R-process Elements (FIRE). She received a DOE Junior Investigator Award (2002), a North Carolina State Alumni Research Award (2010), and is an APS fellow (2009). She has participated in educational and mentoring initiatives including co-directing Training in Advanced Low Energy Nuclear Theory (TALENT) (2015-2017). In addition, she served as an editor of the Journal of Physics G (2005-2014), chaired the National Institute for Nuclear Theory Advisory Committee (2012-2014), and served on the APS Board of Directors (2016-2018) and APS Council (2015-2018).