N3AS Newscenter
Investigating neutrino collective flavor oscillations with machine learning
During the explosion of a massive dying star — a supernova — millions of tiny subatomic particles called neutrinos are emitted. These neutrinos are emitted from deep inside the star, […]
Mu-Tau Neutrinos: Influencing Fast Flavor Conversions in Supernovae
Mysteries involving the interplay of tiny neutrinos and huge supernova explosions become more intriguing! During the cataclysmic explosion of a dying star — a supernova — millions of tiny subatomic […]
N3AS: New center to focus on physics of ultra-dense neutron stars
By Robert Sanders, Media relations, UC Berkeley. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded UC Berkeley $10.9 million over five years to expand research on the exotic state of matter inside neutron stars [...]
Sandblasting the r-Process: Spallation of Ejecta from Neutron Star Mergers
Abundances in the third peak (180<A<200) of the r-process pattern produced with PRISM calculation of disk wind conditions of a neutron star merger event, before (blue line) and after spallation […]
Neutrinos Join Forces to Shed Light on Dark Matter
Neutrinos can “talk” to each other much more than expected within the Standard Model, and this can provide an experimentally testable solution to the dark matter puzzle of the Universe. Can […]