Author: sylvia
The diffuse supernova neutrino background as a probe of late-time neutrino mass generation
The relic neutrinos from old supernova explosions are among the most ancient neutrino fluxes within experimental reach. Thus, the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) could teach us if neutrino masses […]
Neutrino secret self-interactions: a booster shot for the cosmic neutrino background
Neutrinos might interact among themselves through forces that have so far remained hidden. Throughout the history of the Universe, such secret interactions could lead to scatterings between the neutrinos from […]
Visible neutrino decays and the impact of the daughter-neutrino mass
We compute the differential decay width of two- and three-body neutrino decays, assuming neutrinos are Dirac fermions and allowing for the possibility that the decay-daughters have nonzero masses. We examine […]
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Program
Students in the N3AS undergraduate program work with a scientific mentor to develop their research, and also have a career mentor. Students are directly supported by N3AS, and participate in […]
Exploiting a future galactic supernova to probe neutrino magnetic moments
A core-collapse supernova (SN) offers an excellent astrophysical laboratory to test non-zero neutrino magnetic moments. In particular, the neutronization burst phase, which lasts for few tens of milliseconds post-bounce, is […]