Author: sylvia
Dark Matter-Powered Stars and the High-Redshift Tidal Disruption Event Rate
Tidal disruption events (TDEs) result from stars being gravitationally-scattered into low angular momentum orbits around massive black holes. We show that the short lifetimes of massive Population III stars at […]
Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Gets Even Cooler
We don’t yet know what makes up dark matter, but we do know that it doesn’t belong to the familiar particles of the Standard Model. One promising class of very well motivated dark matter candidates are dark neutral leptons, or “sterile neutrinos”.
Dark Population Transfer Mechanism for Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
We present a mechanism for producing a cosmologically significant relic density of one or more sterile neutrinos. This scheme invokes two steps: First, a population of “heavy” sterile neutrinos is […]
Exploring entanglement and spectral split correlations in three-flavor collective neutrino oscillations
In environments with prodigious numbers of neutrinos, such as core-collapse supernovae, neutron star mergers, or the early universe, neutrino-neutrino interactions are dynamically significant. They can dominate neutrino flavor evolution and […]
Beyond Hawking evaporation of black holes formed by dark matter in compact stars
The memory burden effect is an explicit resolution to the information paradox by which an evaporating black hole acquires quantum hair, which then suppresses its rate of mass loss with […]