Author: sylvia
A Young Super Star Cluster Powering a Nebula of Retained Massive Star Ejecta
We suggest that “Godzilla”, an intriguing source in the lensed Sunburst galaxy at $z=2.37$, is a young super star cluster powering a compact nebula within gravitationally trapped stellar ejecta. Employing […]
Enhanced Muonization by Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing in Protoneutron Stars
We study $\nu_\mu$-$\nu_s$ and $\bar\nu_\mu$-$\bar\nu_s$ mixing in the protoneutron star (PNS) created in a core-collapse supernova (CCSN). We point out the importance of the feedback on the general composition of […]
2024 N3AS Annual Meeting
Continuous Gravitational Waves: A New Window to Look for Heavy Non-annihilating Dark Matter
Sun-like stars can transmute into comparable mass black holes by steadily accumulating heavy non-annihilating dark matter particles over the course of their lives. If such stars form in binary systems, […]
N3AS Private Event