Author: sylvia
Distinct neutrino signatures of quark deconfinement in accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs
We present the first seconds-long general relativistic neutrino-radiation simulations of accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs using hadron-quark matter equations of state with different onset densities and latent heat of […]
Stability of hypermassive neutron stars with realistic rotation and entropy profiles
Binary neutron star mergers produce massive, hot, rapidly differentially rotating neutron star remnants; electromagnetic and gravitational wave signals associated with the subsequent evolution depend on the stability of these remnants. […]
Signature of hadron-quark crossover in binary-neutron-star mergers
We study observational signatures of the hadron-quark crossover in binary-neutron-star mergers by systematic numerical-relativity simulations. We employ two equations of state (EoSs) for matter consistent with inference from the observational […]
Interplay between the weak-coupling results and the lattice data in dense QCD
We discuss the interplay between two first-principles calculations of QCD at high density: perturbative results in the weak-coupling regime and the recent lattice-QCD result at finite isospin density. By comparing […]