Author: sylvia
Bayesian inference of multimessenger astrophysical data: Joint and coherent inference of gravitational waves and kilonovae
We present a Bayesian framework for joint and coherent analyses of multimessenger binary neutron star signals. The method, implemented in our bajes infrastructure, incorporates a joint likelihood for multiple datasets, […]
Do black holes remember what they are made of?
We study the ringdown signal of black holes formed in prompt-collapse binary neutron star mergers. We analyze data from $48$ numerical relativity simulations. We show that the $(\ell=2,m=2)$ and $(\ell=2,m=1)$ […]
Detectability of QCD phase transitions in binary neutron star mergers: Bayesian inference with the next generation gravitational wave detectors
We study the detectability of postmerger QCD phase transitions in neutron star binaries with next-generation gravitational-wave detectors Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. We perform numerical relativity simulations of neutron star […]
High angular momentum hot differentially rotating equilibrium star evolutions in conformally flat spacetime
The conformal flatness approximation to the Einstein equations has been successfully used in many astrophysical applications such as initial data constructions and dynamical simulations. Although it has been shown that […]
Hilbert series, the Higgs mechanism, and HEFT
We expand Hilbert series technologies in effective field theory for the inclusion of massive particles, enabling, among other things, the enumeration of operator bases for non-linearly realized gauge theories. We […]