Author: sylvia
The Flavor Composition of Supernova Neutrinos
We show that standard matter effects in the outer layers of core-collapse supernovae significantly constrain the flavor composition of the neutrino flux, even with the enormous uncertainties originating from self-induced […]
Late-forming black holes and the antiproton, gamma-ray, and anti-helium excesses
Black holes long-lived enough to be the dark matter have temperatures below the MeV. Since Hawking evaporation is a quasi-thermal process, no GeV emission is predicted to be produced by […]
Distinguishing charged lepton flavor violation scenarios with inelastic μ→e conversion
The Mu2e and COMET experiments are expected to improve existing limits on charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) by roughly four orders of magnitude. $\mu\rightarrow e$ conversion experiments are typically optimized […]
Exact block encoding of imaginary time evolution with universal quantum neural networks
We develop a constructive approach to generate quantum neural networks capable of representing the exact thermal states of all many-body qubit Hamiltonians. The Trotter expansion of the imaginary-time propagator is […]
Next-to-leading order scalar contributions to 𝜇 → 𝑒 conversion
Within a class of models in which lepton flavor violation is induced dominantly by scalar particle exchanges, we estimate the $\mu \to e$ conversion rate in several nuclei. We include […]