Author: sylvia
Electron-positron annihilation freeze-out in the early universe
Electron-positron annihilation largely occurs in local thermal and chemical equilibrium after the neutrinos fall out of thermal equilibrium and during the big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) epoch. The effects of this […]
Fast neutrino flavor instability in the neutron-star convection layer of three-dimensional supernova models
It has been speculated for a long time that neutrinos from a supernova (SN) may undergo fast flavor conversions near the collapsed stellar core. We perform a detailed study of […]
Studying strong phase transitions in neutron stars with gravitational waves
The composition of neutron stars at the extreme densities reached in their cores is currently unknown. Besides nuclear matter of normal neutrons and protons, the cores of neutron stars might […]
Neutrino oscillations in supernovae: angular moments and fast instabilities
Recent theoretical work indicates that the neutrino radiation in core-collapse supernovae may be susceptible to flavor instabilities that set in far behind the shock, grow extremely rapidly, and have the […]