Author: sylvia
Elimination of the Blue Loops in the Evolution of Intermediate-mass Stars by the Neutrino Magnetic Moment and Large Extra Dimensions
For searching beyond Standard Model physics, stars are laboratories which complement terrestrial experiments. Massless neutrinos in the Standard Model of particle physics cannot have a magnetic moment, but massive neutrinos […]
On the Minimum Radius of Very Massive Neutron Stars
Prospects of establishing the radii of massive neutron stars in PSR J1614-2230 and PSR J0740+6620 from NICER and Chandra observatories hold the potential to constrain the equation of state (EoS) […]
Time of flight and supernova progenitor effects on the neutrino halo
We argue that the neutrino halo, a population of neutrinos that have undergone direction-changing scattering in the stellar envelope of a core-collapse supernova (CCSNe), is sensitive to neutrino emission history […]
Consequences of neutrino self-interactions for weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis
We calculate and discuss the implications of neutrino self-interactions for the physics of weak decoupling and big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) in the early universe. In such neutrino-sector extensions of the […]
The R-process Alliance: The Peculiar Chemical Abundance Pattern of RAVE J183013.5−455510
We report on the spectroscopic analysis of RAVE J183013.5-455510, an extremely metal-poor star, highly enhanced in CNO, and with discernible contributions from the rapid neutron-capture process. There is no evidence […]