Author: sylvia
Kilonovae across the nuclear physics landscape: The impact of nuclear physics uncertainties on r-process-powered emission
Merging neutron stars produce “kilonovae”—electromagnetic transients powered by the decay of unstable nuclei synthesized via rapid neutron capture (the r-process) in material that is gravitationally unbound during inspiral and coalescence. […]
Potential Impact of Fast Flavor Oscillations on Neutrino-driven Winds and Their Nucleosynthesis
The wind driven by the intense neutrino emission from a protoneutron star (PNS) is an important site for producing nuclei heavier than the Fe group. Because of certain features in […]
Production of very light elements in kilonovae
We study the production of light elements (Z
Combining Electromagnetic and Gravitational-Wave Constraints on Neutron-Star Masses and Radii
We perform a joint Bayesian inference of neutron-star mass and radius constraints based on GW170817, observations of quiescent low-mass X-ray binaries (QLMXBs), photospheric radius expansion X-ray bursts (PREs), and X-ray […]
GW190814 as a massive rapidly-rotating neutron star with exotic degrees of freedom
In the context of the massive secondary object recently observed in the compact-star merger GW190814, we investigate the possibility of producing massive neutron stars from equation of state models that […]