• Berkeley Undergraduate Researchers

    Fall 2024 Talks Schedule

    9/20Fall N3AS social event with current students and mentors
    10/7/20242:30 PMVi Hong, Ivan Burbano, Wick HaxtonApplying to Grad SchoolN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    10/25/20242:00 PMErmal Rrapaj, Felipe, LucaKey Research Skills: reading papers and keeping up with publications in your fieldN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    11/5/20243 PMIvan BurbanoExploring Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories Using Computational MethodsN3AS 351 South, 3rd Floor
    11/21/20244 PMJuno ChanFirst-order Quantum Chromodynamics Phase Transition in Accretion-Induced Collapse of White DwarfsN3AS 351 South, 3rd Floor
    12/10/20249:00 AM –
    12:30 PM
    Student presentersPoster session

    Spring 2024 Talks Schedule

    2/6 or 2/14/20244:00 PMRaul Monsalve (SSL, LuSee)Observing the birth of the first stars at the lowest radio frequencies
    2/22/2024TBDSanjana Curtis (UC Berkeley Astro Postdoc)Explosive astrophysical events and the origin of elements
    3/14/20242:00 PMSatya Goncho a Goncho (LBNL, DESI)Mapping the universe in 3D as a way to learn its evolution and its content
    3/20/2024TBDElena De La Hoz (Astrophysics Postdoc)Detecting primordial gravitational wave signatures within the CMB polarization data
    4/11/2024TBDDimitra Pefkou (UC Berkeley Postdoc)Hadron structure from Lattice QCD
    4/25/2024TBDStudentsPoster prep, practice, review
    5/2/20249:00AM –
    Student presentersPoster session

    Fall 2023 Talks Schedule

    10/6/20235:00 PMWick Haxton; Laura Fantone;
    new local mentors
    Intro/Social/How to…
    for new students
    10/19/20233:00 PMNoah Sailer and Tehya AndersenApplying to Grad SchoolN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    10/26/20233:30 PMErmal Rrapaj / Malcolm LazarowKey Research Skills: reading papers and keeping up with publications in your fieldN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    11/2/20233:30 PMKaori FuyutoThe Mystery of Matter in the UniverseN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    11/17/202312:00 PMLuca BoccioliCore-Collapse SupernovaeN3AS 3rd Floor / Zoom
    11/29, 11/30,
    and 12/1/2023
    Time TBDStudentsPoster prep, practice, reviewN3AS 3rd Floor
    12/7/20239:00AM –
    10-12 student presentersPresenters + intro Q&A + receptionRoom 375