Anupam Ray

Anupam Ray


Anupam completed his PhD in Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in 2022 at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, under the supervision of Prof. Basudeb Dasgupta.

Anupam joined N3AS in 2022, spending the first two years at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, with Prof. Yong-Zhong Qian as his local mentor. He is now at UC Berkeley for his third year.

He is interested in theoretical astroparticle physics, focused on phenomenological aspects of dark matter. His research work addresses a major puzzle in modern day science − understanding the nature of dark matter − with the central theme that black holes can unravel the mystery of dark matter. For instance, his recent interests include indirect detection of Primordial Black Hole dark matter, and probing WIMP interactions via electromagnetic and GW observation of compact stars. Apart from that, he is also interested in exploring Nucleosynthesis from neutron star mergers, and neutrino phenomenology.

Research Publications
Research Themes